Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Jason? Cool. New Freddy? NO WAY!

Graphic created by Angelo Landriscina

Remakes. Some people love them, others cringe at the idea of them. In the past few years, there have been countless remakes of classic horror movies such as The Amityville Horror, The Hitcher, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Believe it or not, all of these movies were made under Michael Bay's production company, Platinum Dunes. Maybe Michael has some kind of fetish with old horror movies, who knows? Anyway, he seems to be at it again but this time, hes taking on 2 franchises with a CRAZY large following, Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street and it has me a little worried.

Ever since the success of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, a string of horror remakes featuring iconic characters (such as Rob Zombie's Halloween, and it's upcoming sequel H2) have been making their way to theaters. The newest of these movies is Friday the 13th, starring Jared Padalecki (of The CW's Supernatural), which hits theaters in less than 2 weeks. According to the film's writers, this movie will incorporate ideas from the first three Friday movies. In the original, Jason's mother was the killer. As seen is almost all of the advertising for this remake, that's obviously not the case with this one. There's also one detail that people might not like about the new version of Jason....he runs. Personally, I think that could make him so much scarier considering there were running zombies in almost all of the recent zombie movies and that made them way scarier. Come on, would you be more afraid of a killer or a zombie moving at a snails pace or by a killer or a zombie running towards you? Exactly. This remake could give this series the revival it really needs after Jason's last stand-alone movie Jason X in which he was upgraded to some type of cyborg, future killer (lets pretend that movie doesn't exist from now on because it was so bad). I can totally see this being the start of something new for Jason. Friday the 13th hits theaters next Friday...the 13th.

Now on to A Nightmare on Elm Street. I don't even know where to begin with this one. I love love LOVE these movies and when I heard that a remake was in the works, I was really excited. After seeing what could be done for the dream sequences with today's technology in Freddy vs. Jason, I couldn't wait to see what they were gonna do next. That is, until I heard that Robert Englund wouldn't be playing Freddy Krueger. Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhees, and Leatherface can all be easily replaced because they all wear masks and have absolutely no personality. Freddy is the complete opposite. He is almost nothing but personality and wit. Thanks to Robert Englund, Freddy became one of the most well-known movie killers of all time. I can't help but worry that having a new guy play Freddy after Englund played him 8 times will ruin the character. Englund made Freddy who he is. The reason behind not have him come back is because he is too old and they want someone to bring new energy to the character but still, changing him now would really piss off hardcore fans of the franchise. I just hope they don't change him too much even if only for the sake of box office numbers. Only time will tell. A script hasn't even been finalized yet so who's to say that it'll definitely be horrible?

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