Sunday, April 5, 2009


UH OH! Someones getting fired. A few weeks prior to it's highly anticipated release, X-Men Origins: Wolverine has been leaked! Now, its probably not what you're thinking so don't get TOO excited. The leaked version is completely unfinished. When I read that the version was unfinished and that all of the effects weren't completed, I was just like "oh please, they just don't want you to download it." I was afraid to download it anyway because apparently there's some serious shtuff (yes, shtuff) going down to find people who downloaded it, who is supplying it, etc.

Anyway, I watched bits and pieces of it at a friend's house because his dad had already downloaded it. Let me tell you, when they said unfinished, they weren't kidding. People were shooting guns that weren't even in their hands yet (yea, cgi guns), you could see the wires people were hanging from for the action scenes, obvious green screen scenes were nowhere near finished, etc. So, after seeing that, I decided to wait for the actual version that comes out in like 3 weeks or so. However, this won't stop die hard fans from watching it which brings up the question, will this hurt the box office?

The answer is yes, very much so. A large chunk of people who are dying to see this movie probably already got their hands on a copy of it by now. They can either say the movie sucked, causing people to not even bother going to the theater, or they can say the movie was great which would make more people wanna watch it immediately regardless of it being unfinished. Granted, there are probably a bunch of people who are like me and would much rather watch the final product than see Ryan Reynolds hanging from wires, but that doesnt change the fact that by the time May 1st rolls around, many people will have already seen it.

If you think about it, this is practically one of the first times something like this has ever happened. Sure, my dad has come home with bootleg movies that haven't come out yet and my first response would be "what the hell is that?" But a huge summer blockbuster leaked weeks before its release? That deserves an "Oh S***!" Not to mention that I may have spoiled a major plot point of the movie by fast forwarding toward the end.

If you manage to get your hands on a copy and REALLY wanna get a taste of the movie, then go right ahead. I on the other hand will be a good boy and wait.....or at least try to wait anyway.

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