Friday, January 30, 2009

Match Made In Vampire Heaven?

Rumors have been swirling around that young Hollywood starlet, Dakota Fanning, might be playing the role of Jane in New Moon, the upcoming sequel to the ridiculously popular movie Twilight, based on the franchise written by Stephanie Meyer. I don't know who Jane is but according to a friend, Jane is a vampire with the ability to inflict the illusion of pain upon anyone she wishes. Personally, I'm not a crazy fan of the series like most people seem to be these days however, after telling this news to several fans of the series, it seems worth reporting for the rest of the rest of you crazy Twilight-ers out there. New Moon is scheduled to hit theaters on November 20, 2009.

Official "Wolverine" Poster

For those of you who don't know by now, Wolverine is getting his own spin-off movie from the original X-Men movie trilogy. It's a prequel titled "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and is supposed to explain how Wolverine became the beast he is today. The First official poster for the movie can now be seen online (and above) and most likely in movie theaters pretty soon. "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" hits theaters on May 1, 2009.

If you're interested, heres the link to the movie's official site where you can see the looks pretty awesome


and so it begins...

So, this is my first real blog where I can talk about what I wanna talk about and have people read what I have to say. That being said, there is one thing in life that will never disappear and is usually a part of everyone's life. It has changed a lot since its creation and it will continue to change as the years go by. Any idea what I'm talking about? If not, its very simple....movies.

When I was younger, there were several movies that I loved to watch over and over again (those movies shall remain least for now). As I got older, that library began to grow as I became more interested in that field and bought a whole mess of DVDs. In my room alone, there are at least 140 movies and/or TV shows on DVD. This random facsination with movies is what made me become a movie buff of sorts. I'm constantly finding myself on websites that deal with upcoming movies, movie reviews, trailers, etc.

So when I heard that I had to make a blog for one of my classes, I was like "Oh God, I have no idea what to make it about, its gonna suck." Then, as I was visiting one of the sites I usually visit for upcoming movie info (, I had the brilliant idea of making my blog about upcoming movies and trailers...and there you have it. On this blog, you will find info on all the latest info on movies and tv that I find interesting since some of the stuff out there isn't that interetsing anyway. Stay tuned for more info on Hollywood's latest and upcoming blockbusters....