Thursday, May 7, 2009

Freddy Found!

A few posts back, I moaned and groaned and complained about how Freddy Krueger could not be played by anyone other than Robert Englund and that I had my doubts about the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street Remake. Quite some time has passed, casting is practically complete, and the movie is set to start filming later this month and now I can officially say that I'm pretty excited to see this now that I feel that they chose a pretty good guy to play Freddy. He probably won't be as charismatic, but he very well looks the part....scary.

The man they chose to play the new Freddy is none other than Jackie Earle Haley. Who the hell is that you ask? Your probably don't know him by name, but he played Rorschach (the dude with the ink blot mask) in Watchmen.

I think he totally looks the part...and yes, I chose those 2 pictures on purpose. Now we just have to see what he brings to the character. This Freddy will probably be more in line with the Freddy from the original movie. In that one, Freddy was actually scary but as the franchise went on, Freddy became more and more of a wise cracker than a horrifying figure saying things such as "Welcome to primetime bitch" right before he smashed a girl into a TV...a TV that was Freddy himself. He became a TV with antennas coming out of the top of his head. Or in Freddy vs. Jason when he says "Oh how sweet, dark meat" referring to Kelly Rowland's character, the only black character. That's not exactly scary.

Other than that, the rest of the cast is forming nicely with young actors such as Thomas Dekker (Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles), Kyle Gallner (I only know him from Smallville, he played the Flash in several episodes), Kellan Lutz (Twilight), and Rooney Mara as Nancy. Its really bothering me that I can't quite put my finger on where i've seen this girl before, but whatever.

Either way, I am dying to see whats gonna go down in this movie. 25+ years of technology advancements can only be a good thing. Then again, you can only make getting sucked into a water bed look so good.

College, Robots, and Teenager/Transformer Hybrids? Huh? What?

Alright, so according to Blogger, I haven't written a blog post since April 5. OOPS! Anyway, have no fear because The Movie Buff has returned with the first of several new posts, WOO! With that being said, lets begin shall we.

Just days ago, the newest (and probably final) trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen made its way online. I remember my initial excitement when I found that out. I practically demanded that my friend open it up on his computer so I can watch it. He could not care less since he is not a Transformers fan ( know who you are =p) but that is besides the point. Anyway, he opened up and it began to play as I had a huge smile on my face. I saw Bumblebee (WOO!), Shia (WOO!), Megan Fox (WOO!) and others I didn't care as much about (...!).

As the trailer played out, I was kinda like uhh whats going on here. Apparently there is still a piece of the Allspark left from the first movie and some information gets etched into Sam Witwicky's (Shia LaBeouf) brain and he goes a little crazy. Blah Blah trailer plays on and Megatron is brought back to life somehow and wants whats in Sam's head. Now, after writing that I am thinking that they could have done much better than a somewhat repeat of the original story. Original: Megatron wants a pair of glasses that explain the location of the Allspark; Sequel: Megatron wants the information thats in Sam's head that probably explains the location of something else, or something of that nature. Megatron=mad greedy if you think about it. You don't HAVE to take over the world, Megatron. Last time you tried they pretty much killed you and dumped you into the ocean. Maybe you should retire to a nice junkyard somewhere.

Towards the end of the trailer, Sam picks something up and it seems really dramatic like something big was about to go down. I really really really hope its not what I read a while back about Sam somehow becoming a transformer-human hybrid thing himself. That is just dumb. Cool thought, but pretty stupid to make the human kid become a robot. Either way, I have no doubt in my mind that I'm gonna love this movie even just for the fact that its Transformers and is crazy action packed as you can see in the trailer below. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen hits theater June 24....aka next month, WOOHOO!